Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Wind The Clocks Back...

Wind the clocks back a year. My freshman year in High School was the year that changed me. When I first got to BCS, I knew no one, and the people I did know were just gonna be friendships that needed to be re- kindled and started off fresh. The first six months were hard. Being a loaner was pretty much my thing... I was NOT gonna let my guard down nor make myself vulnerable. I was stone. I wasn't going to conform to anything at the school. Nothing. No sports, no clubs, no groups... Just homework. I wasn't going to let myself fall victim to anyone. To me, I was invincible. Let it be known, I had some serious trust issues
Fast forward a year.... My first day as a sophmore in high school goes great. I know everyone, I'm completely in love with God, and i can't stop thinking about my cross country practice after school. The first person to say anything was the friendly familiar face of Gage, asking if I would be at practice this afternoon... This is corny... but I love being able to say that I am officially In a sport. I love being able to say, "Sorry, I have practice after school... every day this week." I get to my locker and I see so many familiar faces waiting to greet me. I shrug my 20 lb. backpack off and begin shoving textbooks in my locker, when I realize just how different this year is gonna be. I have friends, I'm involved in school activities, I'm in yearbook and photography and this is what Iv'e always wanted. They say you have to hit the bottom to bounce back up. Well thats exactly what I did.
I get to my first class and the familiar odor of the old linoleum floor freshly cover in royal blue carpet fills the air. In this class... Hannah and Monique! These were the people that got me through last year. My best friends. I don't know if they would say I am there best friend (or at least one of them) but they are my best friends. Turns out they have all the same classes as me! When I found that out, it was a tsunami of relief. 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and soon 6th period go by.... and then 7th. The class I tried so desprately hard to get into comes. Photography. This i s the class that I put on my pedestal. Right away we get into the haste and quickness of the practice. Right away, I know this is gonna be great. As I leave for the day, I know that tis is going to be a great year. My year. No longer will I be the boy sitting in the corner with my nose in the book "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies". I praise God for giving me this and bringing me this far. And somehow by faith, I know Iv'e got a lot more to go.

"My heart overflows with a beautiful thought! I will recite a lovely poem to the king, for my tongue is like the pen of a skillfull poet."
-Psalm 45:1

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Why? You may ask,

The first thing that I would think if I read someones blog called "A Beautiful Mess" Would definitely be "Why would they call it that?" Well, My reason would be the fact that Life may get messy at times, but it is beautiful. It is a blessing every day to wake up in the morning and to be able to go outside and breathe.
The simplicity of my life is immense. I'm Just a smalltown everyday high school student who loves life alot more than typical people my age. I go to school and then go to church on Sundays to learn lessons that my youth leader and my dad,who happens to be the pastor, teach and then we start again on Monday. I run cross country for my school and some of the stuff I see while running is smile- worthy. Running the 2 Mile canyon I live in is sometimes hilarious when I see the people who inhabit the canyon stare at you while you run... It's almost as if no one runs anymore... Yeah, maybe some people should get up and run! I love running. Although I'm utterly horrible at it, I'm proud of myself for deciding to do something with myself.
Smetimes, Things can get stressful, but in the end of the day there is people who make it all worth while. Like the supermommie who does amazing things that only a mother can do, the local pastor that inspires us all, the senior citezen couple that aren't affraid to speak their mind, the hard working dental assistant who loves her family or the church secratary who makes the best out of everything. This is the beautiful life that we all share in one way or another. Although the pieces are scatered to the huge puzzle that we do call life can be messy at times, They will all come together at times. And that is truly beautiful.